Yes, it's a long title (as Ieuan, Jane's ten year old son tells us). So if you can’t make it to see our film on Sunday, July 3rd in Cardiff, here’s a preview. It's best to watch it with decent sound, if at all possible. Feedback is very much appreciated.
This performance for the Wales Dance Platform is suddenly much nearer than I realised - which is slightly alarming. But then that's the nature of these things. If you care to click on the link, you'll see the pictures advertising the platform, which look nothing like what I will be doing. But that is also the nature of these things.
Both works I'm involved in will be on Sunday, 3rd July (which also happens to be Jane's birthday). Both are happening at Chapter in Cardiff (ignore the variously mistyped dates and forgotten names; it really is all happening there).
Wonder of wonders, it looks like I have found some rehearsal space for next week, thanks to the nice people at Volcano. So it's time to say hello again to La Blanche. Remember her? And see how she is faring since her last outing in Bangalore in January 2010.

The script and sound will stay (though shorter, due to Dance Platform requests) but after my work with Nancy Stark Smith and Mike Vargas last January and Kirstie Simson and Adam Benjamin a couple of weeks ago, the plan is to let the improvisation have its say for the rest.
Let's see what's been percolating all these months. And how I hold Nancy's question of how we bring the essence of practice into performance. And how I terrify myself with another step into the void.
Let's see what's been percolating all these months. And how I hold Nancy's question of how we bring the essence of practice into performance. And how I terrify myself with another step into the void.
So if you're in Cardiff Sunday after next, please come. I'm pretty sure the 12:30 film screening is free. La Blanche is showing in the evening (18:00) in what seems to be a series of triple bills. She is not (free, at least, not in the gratis sense). But I promise to make her worth it.
From Lucy, with love x
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